Saturday, May 1, 2010

They say pizza is like sex...

...When it's good, it's great. And when it's bad...well it's still pretty good.

But more on pizza in a moment.

The plan for today was going to be making chicken stock. I recently read Ruth Reichl's latest blog post, talking about her mother, her birthday, and chicken stock. And it occurred to me that I have never made chicken stock, and that I really ought to. I figured I could freeze it, and then it would always be there, ready for a last minute risotto if company came over on the spur of the moment, or a chicken soup if Mr. Gastro happens to catch a cold. I was feeling ambitious.

But then I see on Twitter and Facebook that the whole city is in a tizzy over the fact that the tap water for all of Boston has been contaminated by a broken water main. And as much as I know that the whole question of contaminated water could probably be solved with a quick boil to kill off any icky microbes, the mood is somehow gone. Who wants to make chicken stock, meant to be saved and consumed at various points throughout the upcoming seasons, that may or may not have harmful bacteria hanging out in it? I know, I know. You boil the water. The stock was going to end up frozen anyway. Still.

On a happier note, last night's flat bread pizza seemed to be a hit at the potluck dinner Mr. Gastro and I attended. I was planning on making only one, but then I got to the store and got carried away, like I do, and I ended up making three, because I couldn't decide which type to make. And to keep all of my fellow Gastro-Junkies happy, here's a lovely vid of my pretty pizzas, pre-baking. I was going to make an after video as well, but...well we ate them instead. Sorry.

Anyway, the pizzas were very pretty indeed, but unfortunately they had to do a little travelling and a lot of waiting before they could be eaten, and therefore I couldn't get a really clear idea of their success or failure. (They're never the same if it's not fresh out of the oven. The whole "cheese can't re-melt" thing.) Guess I'll just have to take that leftover dough and make more pizzas later on this week... ::Sigh:: Oh the sacrifices I make in the name of culinary research. ;P


  1. Shut your mouth. They were fantastic and you know it. Notice how we didn't bring any home.

    -Mr. Gastro

  2. Hey, this just means you get more pizza. I'm a stickler for quality control. :P

  3. These look great, Morgan! Did you make your own dough?

  4. Sadly, no, I didn't really have enough time. But that is definitely a project for another day...

  5. i can say this much about pizza ...... in the little town where i grew up they serve the best pizza you have ever had ......unlike any other ......the town is called OLD FORGE ,PA.
